Well, Happy 1st of August Everybody, i hope you have had a great summer.
I do apologize for not keeping the site up to date with content and keeping you up to date with Games. The reason for this is i have recently been employed at a Burger King and have been working pretty hard, but hey, money right?
Anyway, In my spare time i have gotten a much more in depth and rich back-story for Heartbeat written and some new things will be added to the game.
I'll give you a little excerpt from one of the Journals you will find in the game, this will help keep the story more interesting and unravel new clues and tips on the demon and the main antagonist for the game.
Note: This WILL have some foul language.
I do apologize for not keeping the site up to date with content and keeping you up to date with Games. The reason for this is i have recently been employed at a Burger King and have been working pretty hard, but hey, money right?
Anyway, In my spare time i have gotten a much more in depth and rich back-story for Heartbeat written and some new things will be added to the game.
I'll give you a little excerpt from one of the Journals you will find in the game, this will help keep the story more interesting and unravel new clues and tips on the demon and the main antagonist for the game.
Note: This WILL have some foul language.
"Journal Entry 0001749883-B
The creature seems to be predatory to fear and stress, I have tried my best to be as apathetic and calm as possible and hidden, the creature hasn't found me yet, my hypothesis is that trying to keep calm and emotionless will make it harder for the creature to track you down and cause any sort of harm. If seen what it does to its victims...it..it... it isn't pretty, nor something i would wish upon my worst enemy, no one deserves it. I saw it with a live man, poor bastard..... hard to keep calm and not puke my guts out at what it did. I would go into more detail, but its too much shock, and I've seen my fair share of brutality, being in the Marines, seen a man get his dome popped like a big zit. That was a kiddies cartoon compared to what i fucking witnessed...
I've hidden a stash of various supplies throughout the forest, stuff to keep you calm, shit I'm against, but fuck when your staring at a fucking creature that could have only spawned from the nastiest part of hell itself and you've seen what you hope is the worst of it, to hell with morality and principles, it's life or death and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. The Supply Caches are near the swamp, in a concrete pipe sticking out of the hill near the radio tower that spawned the thing, and in an abandoned shack. "
Alright, well, i hope you enjoyed that and there will be more coming and a new beta release of heartbeat coming soon.
Now, on to feedback.
Some of our fans have been complaining about the game being
I'd like to take some time to address these complaints and criticisms
*Copy of Slender: I've actually had the idea for Heartbeat for a while now, since i was 15 actually, i was in the phase where i was extremely interested in camping, ghosts, woods, and paranormal phenomena and I had formulated the idea of Heartbeat during my free time in school, i had tried making the idea happen through Source SDK and i could just never figure it out, and i tried making it a Batch file game and i just couldn't make it due to the fact that you cannot really deliver a scary game well through Batch programming, good story sure, but today you just have to experience the scare through something like a 3rd person or First Person view and not through text. When i found Unity 3D when i turned 19, I had alot more experience with computers and such to have an actual idea on what i was actually doing and i learned how to use and utilize Unity to make Heartbeat happen, and from the feedback I've received about the Beta, its doing its Job on the following
*Buggy as Hell: Honestly, guys? Come on, You should know a beta is a release to see how the game looks so far and to find bugs with it. The least you could do is report the bugs so i can properly fix them, i have put our groups contact info up so you can contact us for whatever you need.
*Seems half-assed: Again, still in beta, beta's aren't finished projects, of course they are going to seem "half-assed" that's why we want your feedback on what you feel needs to be done.
Alright. Thanks for reading
Now, on to feedback.
Some of our fans have been complaining about the game being
- Copy of Slender
- Buggy as Hell
- Seems half-assed
I'd like to take some time to address these complaints and criticisms
*Copy of Slender: I've actually had the idea for Heartbeat for a while now, since i was 15 actually, i was in the phase where i was extremely interested in camping, ghosts, woods, and paranormal phenomena and I had formulated the idea of Heartbeat during my free time in school, i had tried making the idea happen through Source SDK and i could just never figure it out, and i tried making it a Batch file game and i just couldn't make it due to the fact that you cannot really deliver a scary game well through Batch programming, good story sure, but today you just have to experience the scare through something like a 3rd person or First Person view and not through text. When i found Unity 3D when i turned 19, I had alot more experience with computers and such to have an actual idea on what i was actually doing and i learned how to use and utilize Unity to make Heartbeat happen, and from the feedback I've received about the Beta, its doing its Job on the following
- Providing a dark and spine chilling environment
- Having an interesting story-line
- Having a nice and cool map to traverse and thoroughly explore
*Buggy as Hell: Honestly, guys? Come on, You should know a beta is a release to see how the game looks so far and to find bugs with it. The least you could do is report the bugs so i can properly fix them, i have put our groups contact info up so you can contact us for whatever you need.
*Seems half-assed: Again, still in beta, beta's aren't finished projects, of course they are going to seem "half-assed" that's why we want your feedback on what you feel needs to be done.
Alright. Thanks for reading